Biz Shiz with Shani Timms

Biz School 🍏 Hack Your Manifestation Using The Vacuum Law Of Prosperity

β€’ Shani Timms β€’ Season 4 β€’ Episode 59

Hey Guys,

Welcome back to another episode of Biz School, this week we are diving into The Vacuum Law Of Prosperity and how you can use this universal law to hack your manifestation.

I see so many business owners who are epic at the 'calling in' part of manifestation but get caught up on the energetics and clearing space part of manifesting...

So if you want to super charge your manifestations, especially when it comes to business... this episode is for you!

This episode is super informative and there are SO many things you can action today!

We dive in to:

  • What is a universal law 
  • What is the vacuum law of prosperity
  • How this universal law shows up in your business 
  • The problem I see business owners have with manifesting 
  • How to hack growth using the vacuum law of prosperity
  • Things you can do today to clear space for your desires

I hope you love the episode... enjoy!

Love Shani xoxo

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